About Us
It's all about Henrietta
This isn't a matter of Republican or Democrat, Conservative or Liberal. It is all about Henrietta. Although our committee consists of Republicans, our primary job is to provide the townspeople with superior candidates so we have the best representatives leading our town. Henrietta is different than other towns in Monroe County. We are a true melting pot. That is why it is so important to have a strong team that can work together for the betterment of EVERYONE in our town.
What is the function of the Henrietta Republican Committee?
What do we do as members of the committee?
Our committee’s general commission is to nominate and support our candidates and our elected leaders. This includes putting up lawn signs, distributing literature, collecting petition signatures, holding & attending fundraisers, and more. Committee members are expected to attend monthly meetings, usually held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Contact us if you are interested in attending.